Source code for scron.week

# Copyright 2019 Wojciech Banaś
# This code is released under the GPL3 or individual commercial license.
import gc

from machine import Timer
from utime import localtime, sleep_ms, time, ticks_ms

from scron.helpers import OrderedDict, mktime

from scron.base import SimpleCRONBase


[docs]class SimpleCRON(SimpleCRONBase): TIME_TABLE_KEYS = OrderedDict([('weekdays', 6), ('hours', 23), ('minutes', 59), ('seconds', 59)])
[docs] def add(self, callback_name, callback, seconds=WILDCARD, minutes=WILDCARD, hours=WILDCARD, weekdays=WILDCARD, removable=True): """\ Adds an entry to the current queue. After adding a callback, the next call is recalculated. :param callback_name: callback name ID :param callback: callable :param seconds: 0-59 or list(second, ...), default: SimpleCRON.WILDCARD_VALUE :param minutes: 0-59 or list(minutes, ...), default: SimpleCRON.WILDCARD_VALUE :param hours: 0-23 or list(hours, ...), default: SimpleCRON.WILDCARD_VALUE :param weekdays: 0-6 or list(days, ...) 0=monday,6=sunday, default: SimpleCRON.WILDCARD_VALUE :param removable: boolean if false, then the entry cannot normally be deleted :return: None """ gc.collect() super(SimpleCRON, self).add(callback_name, callback, weekdays, hours, minutes, seconds, removable=removable) self._first_step()
[docs] def get_current_pointer(self, _localtime=None): """ Returns the pointer generated from the current date. :return: tuple(weekday, hour, minute, second) """ if _localtime: lt = _localtime else: lt = localtime() year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday = lt return weekday, hour, minute, second
[docs] def get_next_pointer(self, weekday, hour, minute, second): """ Returns the nearest next pointer for the counter. :param weekday: 0-6, 0=monday,6=sunday :param hour: 0-23 :param minute: 0-59 :param second: 0-59 :return: tuple(weekday, hour, minute, second) """ return super(SimpleCRON, self).get_next_pointer(weekday, hour, minute, second)
[docs] def next_step(self, *last_time_pointer): """ Returns the generated function for the timer. :param last_time_pointer: last call pointer :return: function(timer_instance) """ def _next_step(timer): current = localtime() current_pointer = self.get_current_pointer() next_time_pointer = self.get_next_pointer(*current_pointer) def is_the_same_callback(): # Skip callbacks calls when time does not match. if next_time_pointer == last_time_pointer: if current_pointer == next_time_pointer: return False return True return False # There are no new tasks in the future, so we finish if next_time_pointer == None: if not is_the_same_callback(): self.run_callbacks(*last_time_pointer) return # zero day def get_zero_day_time_sec(year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday): return mktime(current) - weekday * 24 * 60 * 60 - hour * 60 * 60 - minute * 60 - second def get_pointer_sec(weekday, hour, minute, second): return weekday * 24 * 60 * 60 + hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second zero_day_time_sec = get_zero_day_time_sec(*current) period_seconds = zero_day_time_sec + get_pointer_sec(*next_time_pointer) - mktime(current) period_mili_seconds = self._get_time_change_correction(period_seconds * 1000) timer.init( period=period_mili_seconds, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.next_step(*next_time_pointer) ) if not is_the_same_callback(): self.run_callbacks(*last_time_pointer) return _next_step
[docs] def run_callbacks(self, weekday, hour, minute, second): """ Runs all callbacks for a given pointer. :param weekday: 0-6, 0=monday,6=sunday :param hour: 0-23 :param minute: 0-59 :param second: 0-59 """ gc.collect() return super(SimpleCRON, self).run_callbacks(weekday, hour, minute, second) gc.collect()
simple_cron = SimpleCRON()